SEO positioning covers a set of techniques that are applied on a web page, with the aim of improving its position and visibility in the search engines of the main browsers, such as Google.

Process consulting: what is a process consultant?

Process consulting is a type of philosophy with its own attitude in the process of helping individuals, groups, and organizations. If you are wondering what a process consultant is and how it can help you and your company, pay attention to the following lines. Find out what we can do for you from

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Organizational development is defined as a planned program for the entire organization, but its components are, fundamentally, activities that the consultant carries out with individuals or groups.

The process consultant structures the preparation for change, conducts training as part of the effort to access organizational development, and works with a key individuals in an organization as part of an organizational development program.

The only thing that is required for the process to start constructively is an intention on the part of someone in the organization to improve the way it is operating.

Then, the consulting process itself helps the manager define the diagnoses that ultimately lead to action programs and concrete changes to improve the situation.

The model of acquiring an expert service

The most common model of consulting is certainly the acquisition of expert information or expert service. The buyer will seek a process consultant to provide the information or service.

Process consulting, on the other hand, implies that the manager and consultant will go through a period of joint diagnosis. The consultant can help the manager diagnose the problem and teach him to better manage organizational processes, so that he can solve his problems himself. It is an essential premise of the philosophy of process consulting that problems will remain solved for longer and will be solved more effectively if the organization itself solves them.

The doctor-patient model

The process consultant comes to the organization to find out what’s wrong and where, such as the doctor, recommending a therapy program or prescribing a curative measure.

The direction of these distortions will depend on the climate of the organization. If it is distrust and insecurity, the people who answer the questionnaires will probably hide any information that may harm them for fear of retaliation. On the other hand, if the climate is very trustworthy, people may perceive contact with the consultant as the opportunity to vent completely, which will lead to an exaggeration of the problem.

Therefore, it is a key premise for process consultation that customers learn to see the problem for themselves by participating in the diagnostic process and by actively engaging to generate a remedy.

The process consulting model and its fundamental premises

Most organizations can be more effective than they are if they learn to diagnose and manage their own strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, the essential function of the process consultant is to transmit the skills to diagnose and correct organizational problems, so that the client himself is able to continue improving the organization.

The process consultant aims to give the client an idea about what is happening around him, inside, and between him and other people. The facts that must be observed and learned from are the human actions that take place during the normal course of work, in behavior during meetings, in formal or informal encounters between members of the organization and in more formal organizational structures. The additional premise that all organizational problems involve primarily human interactions and processes is implicit in this model.

In we are convinced that as long as organizations are networks of people dedicated to achieving some common goals, several types of processes will occur among individuals. Consequently, the more we understand how to diagnose and improve these processes, the greater our likelihood of finding solutions to the most technical problems and ensuring that those solutions will be accepted and used by members of the organization. And from we are here to help you achieve it.

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